Meet Claire Chew Gillenson

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Meet Claire Chew Gillenson | Kids in the House
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Meet Claire Chew Gillenson

Hi. My name is Claire Chew. I'm a life transitions coach, grief recovery specialist. I specialize in helping people overcome their grief and loss and transform in to happiness. My areas of specialty include miscarriage, pet loss, grief and loss, perinatal loss and recovery from cancer. I live in Venice, California with my daughter and 2 dogs. And, in my spare time, I love to practice yoga and I love to meditate.
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Learn about: Meet Claire Chew Gillenson from Claire Chew Gillenson, MA,...


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Claire Chew, MA

Grief & Loss Specialist

Claire Chew is a Life Transformation/Grief Coach based in Los Angeles, serving clients locally in Southern California and globally via Skype. Her work has been featured in Marie Claire, InStyle, Martha Stewart's Living, Body + Soul, and on Good Morning America. Claire brings an integrative approach to her life coaching, melding Eastern and Western philosophies with a focus on the whole of our being: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Her proven methods help empower individuals to create their own joy and happiness while moving through life transitions. Claire specializes in grief that is not part of mainstream conversations: pet loss, miscarriage, pregnancy loss, suicide and recovery. A published author, speaker and educator, she is the founder of Luxepets.

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