Meet John Grienenberger, PhD

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Meet John Grienenberger, PhD | Kids in the House
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Meet John Grienenberger, PhD

I'm John Grienenberger. I'm a psychologist and an attachment researcher and I'm the Co-Executive Director of the Center for Reflective Parenting in Los Angeles. At the center, we’re involved in training of mental health professionals and parent educators and direct service to parents where we provide groups focusing on helping parents to develop reflective and mindful ways and approaches to parenting. I'm also in private practice in West Los Angeles where I see children and adults of all ages. I'm a father. I have two children. My daughter is 11 years old and my son is 8. I have a number of interests – some with my family. I like everything to do with the outdoors so this summer we went on backpacking trip in Yosemite which was terrific. I also enjoy snowboarding and hiking and mountain biking.
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John Grienenberger, PhD

Family Psychologist

John Grienenberger, PhD, is a psychologist, attachment researcher, and Co-Executive Director of the non-profit Center for Reflective Communities in Los Angeles. He is also a Founder, Executive Director and Clinical Director of Community West, a psychological treatment center for adolescents and young adults in Los Angeles. He has extensive experience in family work, and has trained hundreds of therapists in his mentalization-based approach to working with families. He has authored numerous papers, presentations, and training programs in the areas of psychotherapy, attachment, mentalization, and parenting, and has conducted trainings and presentations both nationally and internationally. He has a part-time private practice in West Los Angeles conducting psychological and psychoeducational testing as well as providing psychotherapy to children, adults, families, and couples. Along with spending time with his children, John also enjoys backpacking, snowboarding, hiking, and mountain biking.


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