How to keep up your friendships as a working mom

Samantha Ettus, MBA, explains how to keep up with friendships as a busy working mom.
Working Mom Tips: Keeping up with friendships as a working mom
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How to keep up your friendships as a working mom

As a working mom your friendships are really important but they are probably way down on your priority list, as they should be. But at the same time you need your friends and you need that female bonding time. And so, one of the things I'd like to say is, do your some sort of monthly book club or monthly baking or cooking club. Do something where you are guaranteed monthly to see a group of your girl friends. Because often that's all you need. You have the people at work, your colleagues and so you have your mom friends at school that you see once in a while. So probably what you need is that one monthly night out with women. And that will probably give you your fix. The other thing is making friendships that don't depend on that daily communication. Because as a working mom, you're likely not the person that can have a friendship where you talk on the phone everyday. If you have time for that, you might have time for one and that is very special friendship. But you're not the person that can probably get coffee every week. So you need to find those friends that are also equally busy and will understand your hectic schedule and not hold it against you. And also don't discount your old friendships. Keeping in touch with the friends from high-school or the friends from college or the old colleague that you were really close to, those can be very rewarding friendships. And that might just be a phone call once a month or an infrequent visit. But I always like to, when I'm traveling for work, I always like to tag on one friend. So if I'm flying to Chicago, I'll see who I'm friends with in Chicago that I can meet up with. Or if I'm flying to New York I'll try to see one or two people. But, its very hard as a working parent and you want to be very selective about where you dole out your time. Another thing I like to recommend is, on Sundays we usually have another family over, so that I'm getting my fix of friendship time and my kids are entertained as well. And that's a great thing to do. Combine family time with friendship time.

Samantha Ettus, MBA, explains how to keep up with friendships as a busy working mom.


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Samantha Ettus, MBA

Lifestyle Expert for Working Moms

Sam is the leading lifestyle and parenting expert for working women. Since earning her undergraduate and MBA degrees from Harvard, Sam has coached thousands of women - celebrities, entrepreneurs, top CEO's and professional athletes - who aim to perform at the highest levels in both their professional and personal lives.

Sam is a bestselling author of four Random House books and a Contributor to Forbes and Disney’s parenting site, Babble. She hosts a nationally syndicated radio show for working moms and the Conference for Women’s monthly radio show, “Office Hours.”

Sam hosted leading online talk show, Obsessed TV and is known for her interviewing skills. She has interviewed countless luminaries from Al Roker to Bethenny Frankel and Mary J. Blige. Sam has made hundreds of local and national TV appearances and is a sought after speaker at corporations, conferences and colleges.

Sam aims to practice what she preaches in her daily life as a mother of three and wife of entrepreneur, Mitch Jacobs. 

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