Avoiding mercury and toxins during pregnancy
Chinese Medicine Expert Dr. Daoshing Ni, shares advice for women on the best steps to take to avoid accidentally eating mercury and toxins during pregnancy
There are a lot of questions these days regarding to trace mineral and especially mercuries, and how mercury can be very damaging to neural development of an infant of the fetus. And it is true. A lot of these elements, chemicals can be very hard on the development of the fetus. Now you have to recognize that there's not just mercury that's the issue; there's a lot of environmental toxins as well as mercury. So I think as we focus on mercury, we also need to understand that there's a lot of different chemicals that's in the environment that can affect our body. So I usually tell my patients to eat right, to eat more organic product if it's possible, to try to reduce processed foods if it's possible, and prepare their own meals and cook their meals more, because cooking itself can neutralize some of the toxins that's in the food. And of course, there are some advisories that you should really adhere to, such as tilefish, shark, those kinds of fish that contains and have more potential to contain a higher amount of mercury. We should try to avoid or reduce. And especially when you're trying to get pregnant, and especially when you're pregnant, I think it's important to be selective on the type of food that you're eating. And I think that's the first thing that you should do. And of course, the air pollution's also an issue too. So a lot of times you also want to look at your air pollutions inside of your house, in a car, outside a car, outside a house, where you work, making sure that air is fresh.
Chinese Medicine Expert Dr. Daoshing Ni, shares advice for women on the best steps to take to avoid accidentally eating mercury and toxins during pregnancy
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Daoshing Ni, DOM, LAC, PhD, DiplCHChinese Medicine Expert
Dr. Dao is a licensed Acupuncturist in the State of California and is a Diplomat of Chinese Herbology NCCA. Dr. Dao has been active in the TCM profession as well as professional organizations. He was an examiner for the California Acupuncture Committee and also participated in the Chinese Herbology Exam development for NCCA. He is well known and respected for his special interest in reproductive and gynecological conditions. Dr. Dao is a member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Pacific Coast Fertility Society, and American Association of Oriental Medicine.
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