How fathers can relate to spirituality and vulnerability

Pastor Jimmy Bartz explains how fathers can better impart spirituality to their children by learning to be vulnerable
Parenting Advice | How fathers can cultivate spirituality through vulneranbility
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How fathers can relate to spirituality and vulnerability

So we're talking about vulnerability and spirituality with the idea that we want to communicate this to fathers, to men, because spirituality and vulnerability have typically, within the context of our culture been feminine themes. The place where I start when I have conversations about vulnerability and spirituality with men is with courage - engaging the practice of facing of our fears. We can't face our fears without having some sense of our vulnerability. We can't engage in the virtuous life, practice the virtue of courage, without having some sense of our vulnerability. And so teaching dads to consistently articulate their vulnerability is a great gift to their sons and daughters, if we can cultivate that in the practice with dads and men in the sense of what we get when we truly cultivate vulnerability and we have some sense of how that affects spirituality. We get a sense of the irony that exists around vulnerability. That power, true power, is made perfect in weakness. When we engage vulnerability we find a deeper, truer, more meaningful, authentic voice as fathers, as men.

Pastor Jimmy Bartz explains how fathers can better impart spirituality to their children by learning to be vulnerable


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Jimmy Bartz


Jimmy serves as rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Prior to coming to Jackson, he was the founder and priest at Thad’s, an emergent Episcopal Church in the Santa Monica, California, in the Diocese of Los Angeles. He has also served as the Campus Missioner at the University of Texas in Austin, at All Saints’ in Austin, Texas, and All Saints’ Parish in Beverly Hills, California. He is a graduate the University of Texas at Austin and Virginia Theological Seminary. Presently, he serves as the Chair of the Board of the Episcopal Evangelism Society, and in years past has worked with Red Bull High Performance teaching athletes spiritual disciplines, with Naval Special Warfare working to create systems for character development within special operations teams, and was a speaker at TEDx, Venice Beach.
Married to Cindy and dad to Jas and Jade, the Bartz family loves to spend time outside mountaineering, skiing, fly-fishing, hunting and surfing.  Jimmy is currently writing a book on the spirituality of risk.

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