Tribal perspective on birth and newborns

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Tribal perspective on birth and newborns | Kids in the House
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Tribal perspective on birth and newborns

When a child first comes, and is on what we call this earth-walk, we really know that that time is very sacred, and we talk about things and instruct people about how your are supposed to treat a child when they first arrive. We have very specific kinds of protocols and ceremonies that we do, in terms of welcoming that child. We keep the umbilical cord and different tribes will do different things with that, but again, it's about the fact that now this child is here on this earth-walk and when you look at the soft spot on a baby's head, we always talk about how that child is closer to the spirit world, than they are to this physical world. As we go through that time period where the soft spot is closing up, we say that it's a very tentative time and that you have to be very, very supportive and loving, and really make sure that that child knows that they are here on this earth-walk and that we want them to stay.

Watch Video: Tribal perspective on birth and newborns by Shannon Crossbear, ...


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Shannon Crossbear

Native American Elder

Shannon CrossBear is a beautiful, powerful, spiritual Ojibwe and Irish woman. Shannon is an enrolled member of Fort William First Nation of the Lake Superior Ojibwe, which is located in Ontario, Canada.  She has lived on the shores of Lake Superior for the majority of her life and currently resides within the boundaries of the United States in Hovland, Minnesota. Wabagoness, her given name in Ojibwemoin, is a daughter, sister, mother and grandmother. Shannon has been a story teller for an audience of relatives and friends for many years.  As a columnist for the Cook Country News Herald she wrote over 200 hundred article under the heading Mino- Biimadizawin (the good path/life).Her purpose is to demonstrate and promote gentle healing. She expresses her commitment to healing through her business Strongheart Resource Development. Conditions within Ms. CrossBear’s family of origin and community cement her commitment to improving conditions for children, their families and communities.

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