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Tracey Clayton's picture
Parent, Writer, Blogger

Tracey Clayton is a full time mom of three girls. She loves cooking, baking, sewing, spending quality time with her daughters and she’s passionate for writing. She is contributor on High Style Life and her motto is: “Live the life you love, love the life you live.”

Early childhood is riddled with excitement, laughter, tears, exploration, and conquering new heights. Quite literally in fact as a child learns early on how to crawl, stand on its two feet and wobble around in search of interaction, entertainment, and knowledge. The very fact that children display a tendency to touch, examine and taste (oh the horror) everything they come into contact with means that their developing brains need guidance, knowledge and various creative stimuli that will help them develop their motor skills and cognitive functions early on.
Sometimes we look at our children, noticing how innocent they are. A child’s innocence is a lovely thing, so when the time comes for them to grow up and face the harsh realities of the world, our heart breaks. Choices are all around them as they walk through life, and it’s not an easy thing to know what the right decision with the best outcome might be. Small kids and teens both need their parents for a very large part of their life, but we can’t always be there for them.
There are problems in every family and sometimes the biggest difficulty parents must face is telling their children that something is wrong. The manner in which these issues are approached in the presence of your children can determine how they will react, how it will affect them and whether it will have some long-term consequences on them. This is especially difficult when one of the parents or another member of the family is struggling with addiction. In such cases, as a parent, it’s your obligation to talk to your children and find the way to explain the situation to them.
Ways to Ease Kindergarten Anxiety
Starting kindergarten can be stressful both for the child and their parents. It’s a big change, and it needs to be introduced into the kid’s life the right way so they could adapt to it. It’s difficult to transition from a safe, loving home into the world of social interaction with others that may not necessarily be aware of your child’s needs or feelings. In order to make this process easier, we present you with a few tips that will help the whole family learn how to deal with this big change.  
It’s more than obvious that we live in a world where it’s not about what you wear and how, or whether you look clean or not, but it’s all about ‘who’ you are wearing and how much did it cost. People became so obsessed with short-lived trends and expensive labels, and tend to spend loads of cash on stuff they don’t need just to fit in and impress others by their apparent upper-class image presented on social media.
Have you ever found yourself grumpy and irritated by every little thing around you? You snap easily at people, you seem to lose control over your emotions and then wonder why that is so. Well, one explanation is that you might be hungry, so grab a snack or a chocolate bar to get you bursting with dopamine and good vibes. If this doesn’t help, then there is one more plausible explanation – you’re not getting enough quality sleep.
We tend to underappreciate how cushioned and protected we are by countless perks of modern civilization. A long time ago, the entire lives of people were subjected to seasons and everything that comes with each of the annual climate shifts. Still, the remnants of this can be felt today. Even in the mildest regions of the world people have to make certain preparations during the transitive months. If you need to make your family winter-ready, here are some essential tips to make it through the colder months.
There is definitely no shortage of superhero movies coming out these days. And while some people are becoming annoyed at the sheer amount of them, for parents, superhero movies make a great ally. Why? For a very simple reason – superheroes are great for children and in more ways than one.   The Human Need for Heroes  
Air pollution is still the biggest threat to our planet. Breathing contaminated air has a negative impact on our health, and children are the ones who suffer the most serious consequences. According to experts, air pollution is not only responsible for respiratory diseases, but it can also affect a child’s brain development, create abnormalities and lower the IQ.   Children and air pollution  
Remodeling With Kids
Remodeling your home with a large family, especially when you have young kids, can be a real nightmare. You have to worry about safety, comfort, cost-effectiveness and many other things all at the same time. But, just because most people have a hard time renovating with kids, no one says you have to as well!


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