Statistics about children under age 13 on Facebook

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Statistics about children under age 13 on Facebook

There are 20 million minors on Facebook under the age of 18, of those, 7½ million are under the age of 13 and, of those, 5 million are under the age of 10. There is actually a law called COPPA which has recently been updated, and is constantly being looked at, which says that minors, 13 year-olds and under, cannot sign up for sites on the internet, however, lots of kids do it. Obviously, if there are 5 million kids under the age of 10 doing it, there are lots of kids getting around this. Sometimes they do it because they lie about their age, or sometimes, one would hope that at least their parents know about it; their parents have signed them up for it, but it's still illegal. The problem with this is that when kids sign up for something like Facebook, and they are on a site like this, without parents watching what they're doing, 'friending' them - it's very important to 'friend' your child if they're on Facebook, no matter what age they are; the problem is, is that all of a sudden they're exposed to a whole bunch of different things. (1) third-party marketers are reaching them, and they maybe selling their information to advertisers. (2) They maybe actually having different kinds of people being able to see them, so any friend they make online; another friend can see them as well, and (3) they're really beginning to do social learning, they're learning things, so they don't really understand that what they post is permanent, they don't understand that what they post; other people can see. This is a permanent record, that this is an audience well beyond their face-to-face audience. These are things they don't understand that you think they understand. It's very important to help guide your child as they start to navigate the social networking world.

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Yalda T. Uhls, MBA, PhD

Regional Director, Common Sense Media

Yalda T. Uhls, MBA, PhD, is the Regional Director of Common Sense Media, the leading non-profit dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in a world of media and technology. Yalda's own research with the Children's Digital Media at UCLA was written about in the New York Times, CNN, Time Magazine, The Huffington Post, and more. As an expert on media’s effects on children, Yalda has been featured on the BBC News, KPCC, the LA Times and many other news outlets. Her awards include UCLA's Psychology in Action Award for excellence in communicating psychological research to audiences beyond academia as well as honorable mention for the National Science Foundation's GSRF. Yalda's former career as a Senior VP at MGM, in film production, informs her perspective that media content has great power to socialize children, to inspire and teach as well as to be used inappropriately. In her talks, she brings her deep knowledge of the latest research about how children ages eight to 18 use media, as well as a realistic understanding of how digital natives use media from her experiences with her two children, ages 10 and 13.  Her newest book, Media Moms & Digital Dads: A Fact-Not-Fear Approach to Parenting in the Digital Age will be published in Fall 2015. 

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