Perspective on circumcision

Obstetrician Mike Brisinger, MD, explains the medical benefits of circumcision and how it can help to reduce the spread of HIV or AIDS
Medical Benefits of Circumcision -
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Perspective on circumcision

The current thoughts about circumcision in the medical community hasn't really changed that much, except for the fact that there is a lot of information looking at the fact that circumcision and how it can prevent HIV. Especially in Africa right now, studies have shown clearly, that men who have been circumcised have about a 50 percent reduction in getting HIV or AIDS, eventually. Now, The World Health Organization is actually advocating circumcision in Africa to prevent the disasterous spread of HIV.

Obstetrician Mike Brisinger, MD, explains the medical benefits of circumcision and how it can help to reduce the spread of HIV or AIDS


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Mikael Brisinger, MD



Dr. Mikael N Brisinger practices Obstetrics and Gynecology at Kaiser Permanente in Los Angeles. He has been practicing medicine for over 22 years. Dr. Brisinger did his residency at UCLA Medical Center and has been on the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology since 1997. He is a native to Sweden, and has five children. He loves outdoor activities and spending quality with his kids. 

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