Flexibility with birth plan

Andra Clark, Doula, explains the importance of making your birth plan flexible in order to accommodate any unforeseen circumstances that you have no control over
Importance of Creating A Flexible Birth Plan - Expert Pregnancy Guide
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Flexibility with birth plan

What happens when your birth plan does not go as planned is something that can happen. It is common. It is very important for a laboring mother and the partner or the husband to have a birth plan to be able to establish for the team whether it be the hospital staff or the home birth staff what it is that you do want to see happen or what it is that you do not want to see happen. With that being said, all births go according to whatever is going to happen is going to happen. You cannot plan it out. I am a doula. I had two trained doulas in the room with me and my husband. I did labor as hard as I could and as many natural positions as I knew how to do. And 41 hours later, I had a C section. That was not on my birth plan. So I did not do anything wrong. If it happens to you, you did not do anything wrong. Physically our bodies just do what they are going to do. We are along for the ride. So it is okay to mentally prepare for what you would like to see happen but totally be willing to trust in your birth team and go with the flow.

Andra Clark, Doula, explains the importance of making your birth plan flexible in order to accommodate any unforeseen circumstances that you have no control over


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Andra Clark

Doula & Mom

Andra is a mom of a 15 month-old, a business owner and a doula. In her free time she loves the outdoors. She enjoys camping with her family in their 1985 old-school motor home, listening to her collection of records, swimming, barbequeing, fishing, boating, shooting guns at the firing range, reading, dancing, doing yoga, and playing music (as she is also a musician and actress). She is a tomboy with a girly flare and very much a free spirit. Her daughter is her heart and soul and truly her very best friend, besides her husband. Her family loves to be together, sharing in spontaneous adventures!

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