When to get a divorce and when to try and make it work

Talitha Davies Wegner, Family Attorney, shares advice for parents on how to tell when to get a divorce or when to try to make it work
Advice When Considering Divorce | How To Know If It's Fixable
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When to get a divorce and when to try and make it work

How to know when you should get a divorce and when you should try to work things out, is a complicated question. However, there are some things that can't be fixed or that you can't take responsibility for. Generally, if you are married to somebody who has severe issues; alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling, physical abuse, things that affecting the danger of your family and your health. Then it's time to leave. When there are issues that come under the umbrella of "fixable," that's more along the lines of if you are willing to do the work. Frequently, I see a lot of people that come into my office that are talking about divorce and they need to understand that the relationship that they are in, it's going to be the same situation, a different day. So I encourage people to take inventory of the issues that are happening in their marriage to attempt to address those issues, and not to just complain and think the grass is greener. In general, the grass is green where you water it. However, if the marriage is so broken that you spend all your time daydreaming and being free of this situation, I would strongly suggest consulting with an attorney.

Talitha Davies Wegner, Family Attorney, shares advice for parents on how to tell when to get a divorce or when to try to make it work


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Talitha Davies Wegner


Talitha Davies Wegner is a Los Angeles attorney specializing in family matters. Her warm personality and compelling litigation skills enable her clients to navigate legal challenges with confidence and peace of mind. Genuine interest in her clients' issues, her personal life experiences and a passion for justice provide her clients with "a best friend in the law". Talitha is no stranger to divorce - weathering her own in 2004. She is now married to Bill Wegner, also an attorney. Talitha adores Bill's three adult children and their partners as well as being "GrandTali" to four granddaughters.

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