Do I need a nanny with twin experience?

Gina Osher, Parenting Coach & Blogger, shares advice for parents of twins on the difficult process of hiring a nanny and why it is beneficial to hire a nanny with prior twin experience
Raising Twins | Is It Necessary To Hire A Nanny With Twin Experience
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Do I need a nanny with twin experience?

Hiring a nanny is one of the hardest things most people will have to go through. I have definitely had my share of nanny experiences. What I would say is in the beginning when your babies are brand new, and you are a new parent, and if your babies have any health issues, even as common as colic or reflux, you may want to consider hiring a nanny who has twin experience. Handling two babies at the same time when you've never done it before can be really overwhelming and stressful. And it's really nice to have someone who knows what they're doing. It could be a nanny. It could be a doula. It just needs to be someone who gives you the sense of confidence that you need to then parent your babies yourself.

Gina Osher, Parenting Coach & Blogger, shares advice for parents of twins on the difficult process of hiring a nanny and why it is beneficial to hire a nanny with prior twin experience


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Gina Osher

Twin Mom & Blogger

Gina Osher, the daughter of world-wandering hippies, is a former holistic healer turned parenting coach and mother of boy/girl twins. She is also the author of the blog, The Twin Coach in which she offers advice, bares her soul, works though her imperfect parenting moments and continues on her journey to be a more joyful parent. Gina is dedicated to helping others find both a deeper understanding of themselves and a stronger connection to the children they love.

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