Testing during twin or multiple pregnancy

OBGYN Jay Goldberg, MD, explains the differences in testing during pregnancy when a woman is pregnant with twins or multiples
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Testing during twin or multiple pregnancy

When you have twins, the pregnancy is not very different, but there are some differences. Most of the blood testing is the same throughout the pregnancy, but you may see a perinatologist or a high risk specialist more frequently, to get more frequent ultrasounds. At the end of the pregnancy, we tend to see a little bit more, as well. Sometimes you have some non-stress testing; which are belts that you put on the belly, just to make sure everything is progressing normally.

OBGYN Jay Goldberg, MD, explains the differences in testing during pregnancy when a woman is pregnant with twins or multiples


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Jay Goldberg, MD

Obstetrician & Gynecologist

Dr. Jay Goldberg is a Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Goldberg earned his medical degree from the Medical University of South Carolina in 1996 after completing his undergraduate education at the University of California-San Diego. His internship and residency training took place at Kaiser Permanente in Los Angeles.

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