KidsInTheHouse the Ultimate Parenting Resource
Kids in the House Tour

Aydin Olson-Kennedy, MSW, ACSW is the Executive Director of the LosAngeles Gender Center where he provides psychotherapy for gendernon-conforming and transgender youth, adults and their families. As atransgender man and mental health provider, Aydin brings a dualperspective into his work. He has spoken around the country for the pasttwo decades about the importance of rights for gender non-conforming andtransgender and individuals, with emphasis on identifying andacknowledging domains of privilege.Recognizing the need for mental health services, he co-founded theStonewall Alliance Center Community Counseling Program in Chico,California. A program developed to provide no-cost/low cost mental healthservices for LGBTQ youth and adults. He is also a co-founder of theTransgender Task Force at California State University, Chico.Mr. Olson-Kennedy earned his Bachelor’s degree in Social Science, with anemphasis on Social Work, Sociology and Multi-Cultural and Gender Studies;and his Master’s Degree in Social Work from California State University,Chico. He is a member of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW)and the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH).Mr. Olson-Kennedy's office is located in Encino. He can be reached at 818-850-2029 or by email at

Executive Director of the Los Angeles Gender Center
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