How diet affects female fertility

Chinese Medicine Expert Dr. Daoshing Ni, shares advice on what the best diet is for a woman in order to help improve her fertility
How Diet Can Affect Female Fertility
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How diet affects female fertility

Food is a very important aspect of trying to help somebody get pregnant so having a good, regular nutrition, healthy nutrition is paramount. I think the first thing I always tell my patients is fish. Having fish, especially seafood like salmon or even tuna, especially the blue fin tuna. The yellow fin tuna tends to have a little bit more mercury. So I tend to like the blue fin tuna, the salmon. And see if you can go for the wild cod if it is possible. Fish provides a tremendous amount of fatty acid that is very easy for the majority of people to absorb and assimilate. And so these fatty acids are so important for egg quality. And if you do not like fish, maybe you need to get some fish oil. Actually most of my patients are on fish oil. And get a good quality fish oil and a lot of good quality fish oil is out there. So that is the very first thing. The second is dark green, leafy vegetables. Dark green, leafy vegetables contain a lot of folaid. There are natural B vitiamins that are very, very good for neural tube development, very good for the baby, very good for implantation and very good for the quality of the egg. So dark green, leafy vegetables are kales, swiss chard, spinach, broccoli, things like bok choy, things like winter greens, cabbage, a lot of these green vegetables are important. There is no replacement. You have to eat them. Just taking vitiamins is not going to cut it because your body absorbs them very differently and supplements you are going to absorb better when you do. So I would say if you ask me, those are the two things to start with. Take care of the fish. Have more fish in your diet. And also have more dark green leafy vegetables in your diet.

Chinese Medicine Expert Dr. Daoshing Ni, shares advice on what the best diet is for a woman in order to help improve her fertility


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Daoshing Ni, DOM, LAC, PhD, DiplCH

Chinese Medicine Expert

Dr. Dao is a licensed Acupuncturist in the State of California and is a Diplomat of Chinese Herbology NCCA. Dr. Dao has been active in the TCM profession as well as professional organizations. He was an examiner for the California Acupuncture Committee and also participated in the Chinese Herbology Exam development for NCCA. He is well known and respected for his special interest in reproductive and gynecological conditions. Dr. Dao is a member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Pacific Coast Fertility Society, and American Association of Oriental Medicine. 

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