Babies waiting for adoption

Learn about: Overcoming the fears of adopting a child with special needs from Langka Treadwell,...
Babies waiting for adoption | Kids in the House
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Babies waiting for adoption

The way we overcame our fears about adopting a child is by adopting a special needs child. Once we did it, there was no going back. We saw there were so many more pluses than negatives. It opens your world. It opens your mind. All those fears that we had, none of them were real. Very few of the things that we thought was going to happen in our lives, didn't happen. These kids are so amazing. What they have done to get to the point of just being adoptable; these are kids who will surpass your expectations. Every child that I ever adopted, since that first special needs child, has been special needs. I don't have one regret. I have no regrets. If I was to adopt again, I would adopt another child with special needs. I think, unlike a child who is birthed who has a special need, you go into it with very open eyes. A lot of times, if you give birth to a special needs child, you are not expecting it. There is a mourning period for that healthy child that you imagined. With people who are adopting a special needs child, they go into it knowing what they are getting. They are knowing what they are up against. There is a beauty to that.

Learn about: Overcoming the fears of adopting a child with special needs from Langka Treadwell,...


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Langka Treadwell

Adoptive Mom

Langka Treadwell is the mother to seven children adopted from all over the globe. She works and volunteers with organizations affiliated with adoption related issues.

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