Coming to terms with assisted reproduction

Family Therapist Kim Bergman, PhD, shares advice for those facing fertility issues on how to come to terms, accept, and embrace using assisted reproduction to get pregnant
Tips For Coming To Turns With Using Assisted Reproduction
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Coming to terms with assisted reproduction

If you have been dealing with infertility for any period of time, even if it´s a short period of time, like you want to have a baby and it´s like a compelling wish to have a baby and you come up against roadblocks and one of them is you can´t use your own egg or you can´t use your own sperm, your husband´s sperm or your egg, you have to move yourself to a place where you can choose to use a donor, wrap your mind around knowing that that baby is going to be completely yours. You are going to be completely its and that love is what makes a family and not the genetics. Then, you can go on to make that decision and have a baby and fulfill that dream of parenthood.

Family Therapist Kim Bergman, PhD, shares advice for those facing fertility issues on how to come to terms, accept, and embrace using assisted reproduction to get pregnant


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Kim Bergman, PhD

Family Therapist

Kim Bergman, PhD, a licensed psychologist of 22 years, has specialized in the area of gay and lesbian parenting, parenting by choice and third party assisted reproduction for the last two decades. Dr. Bergman has created a comprehensive psychological screening, support and monitoring process for Intended Parents, Surrogates and Donors. She is the co-owner of Fertility Counseling Services and Growing Generations and is a member of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, the American Fertility Association, the American Psychological Association, the Los Angeles County Psychological Association, the Lesbian and Gay Psychotherapy Association, and the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association. She is on the national board of the Family Equality Council. Dr. Bergman writes, teaches and speaks extensively on parenting by choice. Along with co-authors, she published "Gay Men Who Become Fathers via Surrogacy: The Transition to Parenthood" (Journal of GLBT Family Studies, April 2010). Dr. Bergman created her own family using third party assisted reproduction and she lives with her wife of 28 years and their two teenage daughters. 

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