Tips for brushing your toddler's teeth

Pediatric Dentist Michelle Kelman, DDS, shares advice for parents on the best way to brush your toddler's teeth in order to keep his or teeth healthy and clean
Tips For Brushing Toddler's Teeth - Dental Health For Kids
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Tips for brushing your toddler's teeth

One of the top complaints we hear in the office is, I would like to brush his teeth; I can't, he won't let me. There are a wide variety of activities that I recommend. One of them is having some dental videos on hand, as well as, some books. Books and videos teach the kids how important it is to brush, how to brush. Everything from Imagination Movers to Sesame Street to Dora, you name it. Additionally, there are some fun games you can play. We do, mom and dad to the sink. We do shadowing, where you brush your mom's teeth then mom brushes your teeth. Additionally, sometimes its just to get your kid to brush their teeth in the bathtub. There are a lot of fun sinks and mirrors that are sold now. You can have them in there with the little baby sinks, where they can look at themselves in the mirror. Songs are fun. There are many songs that have to do with tooth brushing. Additionally, you can always get toothbrushes that are fun, that spin and have lights on them, that have songs and timers.

Pediatric Dentist Michelle Kelman, DDS, shares advice for parents on the best way to brush your toddler's teeth in order to keep his or teeth healthy and clean


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Michelle Kelman, DDS

Pediatric Dentist

Dr. Michelle M. Kelman is a specialist in pediatric and adolescent dentistry for healthy children and children with complex medical history. Dr. Michelle is on the Pediatric Surgical Team and Craniofacial Team at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and on faculty at the UCLA School of Dentistry, Pediatrics. Dr. Michelle has lectured internationally and taught continuing education courses on topics including pediatric patient behavior management and advancements in pediatric dentistry. These advancements include everything from equipment technology to introducing complementary and alternative therapies for your child's health needs. Active in the community, Dr. Michelle has offered numerous pediatric oral healthcare presentations to community groups, professional organizations and various healthcare professionals around the country with a special emphasis on pediatric behavior management and dental treatment using both traditional and natural methods for children with various medical conditions.

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