Increase fertility odds with nutrition

Chinese Medicine Expert Dr. Daoshing Ni, shares advice on the how to increase fertility odds with nutrition and which voids to avoid when trying to get pregnant
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Increase fertility odds with nutrition

There are certain foods that are not very conducive for creating the fertile environment. Some of the things I advised my patient to do is to try to avoid caffeine, avoid alcohol and reduce sweets. Some of the most important thing to do right away at the beginning. There are other foods that's not so good such as heavily greasy foods people should avoid. But I am really looking into more balance diet and that's going to be more helpful for the fertility of the patient.

Chinese Medicine Expert Dr. Daoshing Ni, shares advice on the how to increase fertility odds with nutrition and which voids to avoid when trying to get pregnant


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Daoshing Ni, DOM, LAC, PhD, DiplCH

Chinese Medicine Expert

Dr. Dao is a licensed Acupuncturist in the State of California and is a Diplomat of Chinese Herbology NCCA. Dr. Dao has been active in the TCM profession as well as professional organizations. He was an examiner for the California Acupuncture Committee and also participated in the Chinese Herbology Exam development for NCCA. He is well known and respected for his special interest in reproductive and gynecological conditions. Dr. Dao is a member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Pacific Coast Fertility Society, and American Association of Oriental Medicine. 

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