How to connect with your baby prenatally
See Jeanne Segal, PhD's video on How to connect with your baby prenatally...
Well, in the third trimester, the baby's brain begins to connect, create all these connections and will keep doing that for at least a year and a half. The baby's brain is very unformed at birth. Nevertheless, in that third trimester, the baby can start to hear and can start to pick up on sense, smells, and as a mother carrying your baby, you certainly feel the presence of the baby and you can begin to do things like singing to the baby, talking to the baby, putting Mozart on for the baby and the baby will hear this and the baby will respond to the sound of your voice.
See Jeanne Segal, PhD's video on How to connect with your baby prenatally...
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Jeanne Segal, PhDPsychologist & Author
Jeanne Segal is a mother and grandmother with an MA degree in psychology and PhD in sociology. She is an author whose books have been translated into 13 languages. Dr. Segal is the developer and content editor of, a nonprofit website that helps people help themselves. Helpguide attracts over 1 million viewers a week and collaborates with the publishing arm of Harvard Medical School. One of the topics covered on the website that is dearest to her heart is infant mental health.
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