Underlying factors for self-injury

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Underlying factors for self-injury

It's very important for people to realize that self-injury is not the problem, it's just a coping strategy. If you fall into the trap of trying to keep someone from self-injuring, checking their bodies, focusing on the behavior; then you are missing what is underneath. That's the ability to handle their emotional life. That's really where the focus needs to be. The trap is, if you focus on the behavior, there is a possibility they will transfer to a different kind of coping strategy. Perhaps they will get an eating disorder or start doing drugs, anything to try and numb. It's very important to recognize that we need to get to the underlying issue and teach kids how to cope with stresses, rather than focus on the behavior.

View Wendy Lader, PhD's video on Underlying factors for self-injury...


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Wendy Lader, PhD


Dr. Lader is co-founder and clinical director of the S.A.F.E. (Self Abuse Finally Ends) Alternatives Program. An internationally recognized expert on the treatment of self-injury, she lectures extensively on the subject and is co-author of the book, Bodily Harm: The Breakthrough Healing Program for Self-Injurers as well as Self Injury: A Manual for School Professionals. In addition, she served as the expert for a training video on Self-Injury for the American Psychological Association. Dr. Lader is co- founder of the Self-Injury Foundation and a founding member of the International Society for the Study of Self-Injury. 

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