What to consider when parenting teens

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What to consider when parenting teens

Many parents wonder what are those I really want to prioritize as I parent to my teen. One of the things is promotion of independence, a lot of times we say to our kid learn to think. What we really mean is to figure out what I think and parrot that back. So, my kid wants to do something and I'm inclined to say no first top and ask myself 3 questions. This thing my kid wants to do, is it physically harmful, is it psychologically harmful, is it too expensive. If the answer to all those 3 questions is no it's probably important to let them do it even though my pride may crazy. In other word, parents wonder how do I keep my kid from lying to me? Well a research has some kinds on that, let them win some things. A lot of kids who lie think no matter what they, no matter how good their point is, they can never persuade their parent. I want to be this passionate arbiter of truth and justice with my kid, so I may have the position but they come back with me with some information I hadn't thought of. If I let myself change my mind, it's more likely my kids going to continue talk to me truthfully and not lie. Or else I want to monitor, who are they with, what are they doing , where is it , what adults responsible for monitoring, make they get enough sleep 8 1/2 to 9 hours a night. Most kids 40% of them or to 60% don't get the needed sleep causes a lot of IQ damage the next day. We want to make sure they get an hour of that physical activity 5 times a week and have a balance diet, those would be my top.

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David Palmiter, PhD, ABPP

Psychologist & Author

Dr. David Palmiter is a professor of Psychology and Counseling at Marywood University. He is a practicing and board-certified clinical psychologist, a past president of the Pennsylvania Psychological Association, the author of over three dozen publications, including two books on promoting resilience in youth, a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (true of < 6% of psychologists), the American Academy of Clinical Psychology and the Pennsylvania Psychological Association in youth. He has also given hundreds of workshops on family issues for organizations such as The Navy SEAL Foundation, The Master Therapist Series at the University of Connecticut, The American Psychological Association and the McGraw-Hill Financial Group and completed hundreds of media projects for outlets such as CNN, The New York Times, US News and World Report and the Wall Street Journal. David is also a dad of three (two studying at Cornell University and one still in high school) and husband of 27 years to Dr. Lia Richards-Palmiter. A central aspect of his professional mission is to put air under the wings of parents as they try to raise happy and resilient children and teens.

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