How to have the "safe sex" talk with your children

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How to have the "safe sex" talk with your children | Kids in the House
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How to have the "safe sex" talk with your children

When it comes to talking to your child about safer sex or safe sex, the safest sex of all, obviously, is not having sex at all. Abstinence is really the way that you are going to avoid all infections, however, that may not always be realistic, because your child or adolescent may already be experimenting or exploring the sexual realm. When it comes to that, then it really is important to stress the usage of condoms, it's really the best thing we have in terms of protecting against infections of a sexual nature, is to consistently and accurately use condoms every time with every act of coitus. If you are not comfortable really talking about that with your child, their doctor should be comfortable, and so I would definitely have them address that with your son or daughter the next time they go in for a physical exam, or if you want to bring them in specifically to talk about that issue. For instance, myself, I'm comfortable even demonstrating on a model that we have in the office of how to correctly place a condom, so that young people can practice and can feel comfortable, and it's not something to joke around about, that it is a very serious issue, and has very important medical consequences. You should talk to your sons as well as your daughters about birth control methods, because, even though your son, obviously, cannot become pregnant, unless you want to become a grandmother at this point in time; and your son may be held accountable, both financially, emotionally as well as physically, for helping to raise that child, then I think it's important also to discuss with your son current methods of birth control and why their girlfriend should probably be using them.

Watch Video: How to have the "safe sex" talk with your children by Diane Tanaka, MD, ...


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Diane Tanaka, MD

Adolescent Medicine Physician

Dr. Tanaka is an assistant professor of clinical pediatrics and the medical director of the Homeless Adolescent and Young Adult Wellness Center and the MyVOICE Adolescent Transition Program, both at Children's Hospital Los Angeles. Dr. Tanaka went to University of California, Davis for medical school and did her residency at Cedars Sinai Medical Center. Dr. Tanaka's primary speciality is Adolescent Medicine, and her clinical interests include: menstrual disorders, substance use and abuse, and the treatment of sexually transmitted infections. She currently serves at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, and was awarded the Barbara Korsch Medical Education Award at CHLA in 2008 and listed in Castle Connely’s directory of top physicians in 2009.

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