How prescription drug abuse can lead to illegal drug use

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How prescription drug abuse can lead to illegal drug use | Kids in the House
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How prescription drug abuse can lead to illegal drug use

Some of the number one drugs that the kids are abusing right now are opiates. Whether you’re looking at Percocet, Pyridine, Hydrocodone or Oxycodone, these are all opiates and forms of heroine. The kids are abusing these drugs and they’re getting them in their own family medicine cabinets sometimes. These are dangerous drugs and what happens is once the addiction takes place, then the cost becomes a factor once addiction sets in. So what’s happening is they’re leaving the realms of the prescriptions drugs and going to a cheaper way to get their highs, which happens to be heroine, because right now, heroine is a cheap way to get high. You can get a bag of heroine for 5 or 10 dollars as opposed to one pill of Oxycodone that might run you 40 or 50. And that’s where kids are coming into the dangers of not only getting addicted to prescription drugs, but moving onto heroine as well.

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Sharon LeGore

Family Advocate

Sharon is the founder and president of Momstell, a parent advocacy organization she created after the death of her daughter to a drug overdose.  She created the Momstell website in order to expand the mission to join concerned parents and families to work together towards improving drug treatment, education, legislation, and policy. Mrs. LeGore has worked on many drug and alcohol policy, state budget and legislative issues for Pennsylvania, including legislation to create the first statewide Parent Advisory Council for substance abuse issues in Pennsylvania. She serves on several policy tables and co-chairs the PA Children’s Advisory Committee.

Mrs. LeGore is a consultant on substance abuse family involvement issues for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) and is also the co-director of the SAMHSA sponsored “National Family Dialogue”. Sharon co-authored the CSAT/SAMHSA report “Families of Youth with Substance Use Disorders: A National Dialogue”, an issue brief entitled “Family Involvement in Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment” a journal piece for Reclaiming Futures entitled “Family Involvement in Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment and Recovery: What do we know and what lies ahead”, co-authored the “Access to Substance Abuse Treatment: Results of a Family Survey” as well as several additional published articles. She is a national speaker and also serves on the Parent Advisory Board for the Partnership for a Drug Free America.

Sharon is the mother of four and resides in Mt Wolf, Pennsylvania with her husband Terry.

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