How to redirect a toddler's behavior

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How to redirect a toddler's behavior

One of the most effective tools we have as parents is redirection. When we honor a child’s impulse to explore and investigate their world, but redirect them into positive action and an appropriate choice, we are being respectful to the child. We can come down to the child’s level, touch them, acknowledge their idea, let them know what their limit is and then redirect them. For example, your child is climbing on a chair. You’d say to the child, “I see you want to climb. The chair is not safe. Let’s find somewhere else that you can climb.” When we do this, we are coming from a place of understanding where the child is developmentally and yet, we’re still moving them into positive action.

Watch Allison LaTona, MFT's video on How to redirect a toddler's behavior...


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Allison LaTona, MFT

Parent Educator, Marriage & Family Therapist

Allison LaTona, MFT, is a marriage and family therapist, whose life-changing consultation groups provide a practical and compassionate roadmap for those navigating the journey of parenthood. LaTona has 18 years of experience counseling children, families, couples and individuals, and has facilitated groups in private practice, as well as at Santa Monica's Babygroup with Donna Holloran, MSW, for over a decade. La Tona is an author for Twigtale, an online resource for creating transition books for young children.  

Focusing on respectful parenting philosophies, the power of language, emotional intelligence, and a child's natural developmental capabilities, LaTona offers specific strategies and invaluable insights that ease the inherent challenges of contemporary parenthood. Her work empowers parents with the vision and tools to create thriving and fulfilling family lives, and fosters long-term connections within a supportive community. With 13 years "in the trenches" raising two young children of her own, LaTona's personal path complements her professional credentials. Her empathy, experience, and dedication fuel her passionate commitment to her work.

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