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Getting rid of Pacifiers and Thumb Sucking

Advice for Breaking Unhealthy Habits

Brandon is nearly three, and continues to use a pacifier. It has become replacement for self-soothing and is beginning to affect his bite. His mother, not recognizing the correlation, takes her darling child to the dentist for a checkup. Once there, she finds out that by allowing him to continue with this habit is affecting his bite. She becomes angry but, later, begins to wonder what she should have done differently.

They’re cute and cuddly, and almost impossible to say no to. And, too often, we find ourselves indulging our children. Some infants want to use a pacifier, and the parents don’t see anything wrong with indulging them. However, by the time is two, potty trained, and in preschool, it becomes less cute. The child may get teased about still sucking on a now beaten and battered piece of latex or silicone. The parents may find themselves being scrutinized and even scolded for allowing this habit to continue for so long. It is estimated that, after their first birthday, a pacifier is simply a habit, and not a healthy one. ... Read more

Child Psychiatrist, Joshua Sparrow, MD, shares advice for parents on when it is appropriate to begin worrying about your child's bad habits and how to help your child... read more
Kids in the House
From the time babies are born, the suckling motion comforts them.
Watch Video: Why weaning from finger sucking can be harder than giving up the pacifier by Alanna Levine, MD, ...
Lactation Consultant Corky Harvey, RN, IBCLC, explains why it is good for your baby to allow them to use your breast as a pacifier.
Watch Video: Advice for breaking unhealthy habits by Jane Buckingham , ...
View Betsy Brown Braun, MA's video on When and how to get rid of the pacifier...
Pediatric Dentist Michelle Kelman, DDS, shares advice for parents on the negative effects that thumb sucking and pacifier use can have on your child's dental health
See David Hall's video on Useful method for giving up the pacifier...
Watch Marni Ayers's video on Tips for pacifier weaning...
View Elsa Chahin's video on Thumb Sucking And Baby Soothing...
See D'Lynda Kaplan's video on Giving up the pacifier... read more
Watch Video: Pros and cons of pacifiers by Allison LaTona, MFT, ...

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