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Slings and Baby Carriers

How to wear your baby?

Join Lactation Specialists Wendy Haldeman and Kelli Venaas as they discuss “Baby Wearing”. How do you indulge in every-day tasks of living like doing the laundry, eating, or cleaning with a baby in your arms? Just like cave people used to tie babies to their bodies with fur, parents can similarly use a sling or carrier to keep their babies close while also being hands-free. This convenient way of carrying a baby also gives the baby a snug feeling they can enjoy. They can feel their parent’s heartbeat and fall asleep much easier. If you have a baby with digestive issues or cholic, your child will do much better in a sling’s upright position.


- Parents instinctively want to hold their babies. The dilemma comes in how do you go about your tasks of daily living? How do you eat and make food and do your laundry and clean your house when you have a baby in your arms? Well we have a solution, it's called babywearing. Babywearing is not new. The cave people undoubtedly took a piece of fur and tied their babies to their bodies. ... Read more

Watch Traci Cummings's video on Using a soft-structure wrap...
Watch Traci Cummings's video on How to use a mei tai carrier...
Learn about: How to use a woven wrap carrier from Traci Cummings,...
View Traci Cummings's video on How to use a stretchy wrap carrier...
Learn about: How to use a pouch sling from Traci Cummings,...
Parent Educator Sarah McCormick, MA, CLE, explains what the benefits of babywearing are and how babywearing can improve your baby's development and sense of security
Learn about: Babywearing benefits from Traci Cummings,...
Learn about: How to use a ring sling from Traci Cummings,...
Pediatric Otolaryngologist Nina Shapiro, MD, discusses the safety of baby slings and baby carriers and how to be sure that you are using them safely

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