Relationship between adoptive parents and birth parents

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Relationship between adoptive parents and birth parents

One of the interesting things for me to see is my client's come into the office and they have a preconceived notion of how the relationship is going to the birth parent. The example I like to give about my client's, I had some clients that came in and the mother said, "I don't want to know the mother. I don't want to meet her. I don't want to know anything about her. I don't want to have any contact." Then, it turns out, I had to hear from this mother and goes, "I want to talk to her." The next thing I know is, "I want to fly out to Utah to meet her." The next thing I know is, "We are going to fly her back to California so she can stay with us the last three months of her pregnancy." It is very hard to predict what kind of relationship you are going to have with the birth mother. Some of them you have a lot of contact, and some of them, you don't. They need a lot of contact and support, some don't. You just have to see what you are dealing with and make adjustments that is best for you and the mother.

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Stephen Ravel

Adoption Attorney

Stephen Ravel attended UC Berkley for his undergraduate degree and Santa Clara Law School for his law degree. Stephen has been an attorney since 1973, and has been involved with adoption law since 1984. He has handled over 1,300 adoptions since the start of his career. Stephen is married and has three children. His oldest child was adopted from Brazil at birth.

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