Public opinion on gay and lesbian adoption

David Brodzinsky, PhD Psychologist & Author, explains how public opinion in America regarding gay and lesbian adoption has shifted in the last few decades
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Public opinion on gay and lesbian adoption

There has been a shift in a positive direction for support for gay and lesbian individuals to adopt children. In the 1990's, less than 50 percent of American citizens supported this. Now, it is well over 50 percent. There was a recent study that showed that close to 70 percent of individuals in U.S. view individuals as a family, defined the way we usually define family life. We are seeing a shift for support for this type of adoption.

David Brodzinsky, PhD Psychologist & Author, explains how public opinion in America regarding gay and lesbian adoption has shifted in the last few decades


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David Brodzinsky, PhD

Psychologist & Author

David Brodzinsky is Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology and Director of the Foster Care Counseling Project at Rutgers University. He also maintains an active private practice serving the clinical needs of children and families, including individuals who are part of the adoption triad. Brodzinsky has written and lectured extensively in the fields of developmental and clinical psychology and is an internationally known expert in the field of adoption. He is co-author of such well-known books as, The Psychology of Adoption, Being Adopted: The Lifelong Search for Self, and Children's Adjustment to Adoption: Developmental and Clinical Issues.

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