U.S. Adoptions

Jennifer Bliss, PsyD Adoption Expert, explains how an open adoption benefits children and why it can be the best choice of adoption for your child long-term
Benefits of Open Adoption For The Children - Kidsinthehouse.com
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U.S. Adoptions

There are many reasons why open adoption is the best choice for your child as well. They won’t grow up with abandonment issues, because they weren’t abandoned. Their birth mother can tell them the story themselves about the day they met the parents and how she just knew these people were meant to be the mommy and daddy, or mommy and mommy, whatever it is. The most reassuring thing for a child to hear is from the birth mother that they are with the family they are meant to be with. And so they grow up confident of their adoption story. It’s not something that's shrouded in secrecy, because if a child is not allowed to know who the birth parent is, they start to wonder what is it that their parent is protecting them from? It must be something bad. And they know that’s who they came from. So what we don’t want is the connection of, “If I need to be protected from this person, there must be something bad about them. And what bad could I have inherited?” And so they’re part of who the birth parent is and a story about how they became a family.

Jennifer Bliss, PsyD Adoption Expert, explains how an open adoption benefits children and why it can be the best choice of adoption for your child long-term


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Jennifer Bliss, PsyD

Founder of Bliss Adoption Services

Dr. Jennifer Bliss has dedicated her career to adoption education and support. She specializes in providing clinical services for all members of the adoption triad, including adoption education/consultation and pre/post adoption relationship support. Throughout her career, Dr. Bliss has been passionate about educating the public on best practices in adoption and the psychology of open adoption. She is also the author of a new book on open adoption, Another Choice: A compassionate Guide to Placing a Child For Adoption.
Dr. Bliss received her BA in Psychology and BS in Education from University of Southern California. She went on to earn her MSW from UCLA and Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Ryokan College. Dr. Bliss has supervised adoption counselors across the country and has spoken on the psychology behind open adoption at universities and statewide conferences. She has also appeared as the open adoption expert on radio programs, podcasts, television shows and was the primary adoption consultant and featured counselor on WEtv's 4-part documentary series, "Adoption Diaries.”



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