Adopting children with special needs

Learn about adopting children with special needs and the challenges and concerns many parents face with this issue from Langka Treadwell.
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Adopting children with special needs

When we first looked into the world of special needs, looked at what we really felt about adopting a child with special needs, the fears, the list was endless. The fears were endless. But after we talked to doctors, we did the research, we talked to our family, and we really looked into what we could do, what WE could do, what our limits were as people. We were forced to take a leap of faith. I think that is the key to not just special needs adoption, but to adoption and to really having children. There's an element, there's a piece, there's a moment when you just take a leap of faith. People are so afraid to do that. But once you do, once you make that leap, the fears all go away. You've made the decision. So all those initial fears that people have that I know you may be having now, all those fears, once you've made that decision, those will go away. You will have answers, you'll have doctors to support you, and it's actually amazing how a lot of those needs are just physical. They're not as big as you had thought.

Learn about adopting children with special needs and the challenges and concerns many parents face with this issue from Langka Treadwell.


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Langka Treadwell

Adoptive Mom

Langka Treadwell is the mother to seven children adopted from all over the globe. She works and volunteers with organizations affiliated with adoption related issues.

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