Family travel safety

Finn Olaf Jones, Adventure Travel Dad, shares advice for parents on a number of ways to help keep your family safe when traveling in a foreign country
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Family travel safety

I would say that the biggest tip I have first thing safe when travelling with your kid is to blend in as much as. Don't be a tempting target. There is very little hate crime that you are going to encounter when travelling. Don't have anything worth stealing because that's a you are only after for your stuff, if you have no stuff to steal, no one's going to bother you. Keep the bulky cameras at home. Don't wear a fancy watch; keep the wallets in your front pockets. Better yet, just bring the cash that you are going to need that day, when you are out. The other thing is statistically, it's probably never been a safer time to travel in terms of avoiding disease. There are so many diseases that would plague, Malaria for instance; there were plague of travelers going to certain areas that are way down. I think you will find that. When travelling local pharmacies in foreign countries are incredibly well stock, in fact I found that you can usually get more things over the counter in foreign countries you can hear. So the only thing I would travel with is a full supply of antibiotics, but otherwise I think you are very well covered locally.

Finn Olaf Jones, Adventure Travel Dad, shares advice for parents on a number of ways to help keep your family safe when traveling in a foreign country


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Finn Olaf Jones

Dad & Travel Expert

A harrowing climb of Aconcagua in the Andes 15 years ago emboldened business analyst, Finn-Olaf Jones to write down his experiences and send them to Forbes who took the story. Finn now writes regularly for Forbes, Architectural Digest, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, National Geographic Traveler, the Travel Channel, and Adventure Travel magazine. He lives in Los Angeles with his lovely wife and five energetic children who can now all set up a tent in total darkness.  

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