Symptoms of diabetes

Pediatrician Jamie Wood, MD Clinical Diabestes, shares advice for parents on the signs and symptoms that may indicate that your child has diabetes and should be checked by a doctor
The Signs And Symptoms Of Diabetes In Children
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Symptoms of diabetes

They symptoms of Diabetes in a child are the same symptoms that are in a regular person. There are a couple of unique aspects of childhood, that allow us to describe a couple of more symptoms. In the beginning of Diabetes, the first symptom is an increase in urination that child has throughout the day and night. A parent may realize that a child has more frequent trips to the restroom and, if the child is still wearing a diaper, the diapers are heavier and may have to be changed more often. One of the most important symptoms for a parent to notice is bedwetting. Bedwetting, especially a school-aged child, is no longer bedwetting and they start to bedwet at some point; that is a really good sign that they need to have their child evaluated. It could be Diabetes. It could be a urinary tract infection, but it warrants a trip to the pediatrician to make sure. So frequent urination is the first one. The second one would be increased thirst. Once those have been observed, then the child may start to lose weight. They may become more tired. They may become more irritable. If it progresses and is not picked up, the child can start having abdominal pain and become really lethargic.

Pediatrician Jamie Wood, MD Clinical Diabestes, shares advice for parents on the signs and symptoms that may indicate that your child has diabetes and should be checked by a doctor


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Jamie R. Wood, MD

Pediatrician, Clinical Diabetes, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

Dr. Jamie Wood was born and raised in Vermont, where she also attended medical school. She completed her pediatric residency at Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio, and her endocrine fellowship at Children’s Hospital Boston and the Joslin Diabetes Center of Harvard University. She moved to the Los Angeles area in 2008 and is now the Director of Clinical Diabetes Programs at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Dr. Wood’s specialty is the care of youth with type 1 and type 2 diabetes—a field she fell in love with during a medical student rotation at a summer camp for youth with diabetes.  She also enjoys gardening, cooking, hiking, and playing with her husband and two children, Jackson and Olivia.

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