Causes, symptoms and treatment for Ringworm

Pediatrician Tamiko Jordan, MD, shares advice on dealing with ring worm, including the causes, symptoms, and best treatments for ring worm
The Causes, Symptoms, And Treatments For Ringworm
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Causes, symptoms and treatment for Ringworm

Ringworm is kind of a misleading name, because it's not caused by a worm at all but by a fungus. It can start as a red bump, maybe even a little bit itchy, and then spread in a ring that can have a red raised border, sometimes a little bit of flaky skin. An easy way to test for this if your doctor is concerned is to do a scraping and look at the slide under a microscope or send the same to a laboratory. Treatment can be either an over the counter cream for athlete's foot. Those are all anti-fungals. Those will all work against ringworm. Or your doctor can write you a prescription. The best way to prevent ringworm is to have good hygiene. Keep the skin clean and dry. the fungus that causes ringworm likes areas that are warm and wet. So it's important that, say you have it on the foot, that you would wear shower shoes in the shower, keep your feet clean and dry, and wear clean, dry socks.

Pediatrician Tamiko Jordan, MD, shares advice on dealing with ring worm, including the causes, symptoms, and best treatments for ring worm


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Tamiko Jordan, MD

General Pediatrician, Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Dr. Jordan was born in Riverside, California and received her medical degree from Saint Louis University School of Medicine.  She completed her pediatric residency at Cedars Sinai Medical Center and has since worked in many different settings.  Currently she is an attending pediatrician at the Altamed General Pediatric Clinic at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles where she teaches pediatric residents and sees her own patients in private practice.  She has been featured on ABC7 and FOX11 news as well as the Patt Morrison Show on 89.3 KPCC.  Her latest project is the asthma clinic at Altamed, where she can spend more time educating patients and parents about optimizing their asthma care and minimizing ER visits and lost school days.  

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