Keeping track of your child's symptoms & medications

Pediatrician Tanya Altmann, MD, FAAP, shares advice for parents on the benefits of keeping a health diary for your child in order to record any symptoms and medications that they have taken
The Benefits Of Keeping Track Of Your Child's Symptoms & Medications
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Keeping track of your child's symptoms & medications

I find that keeping a health diary could be a great tool for parents. If their child has recurrent symptoms such as headaches or tummy aches. You can write down when they have the pain and everything that has been going on for the days before. You might be able to come up with the pattern. I also used the diary for children that have chronic diseases or illnesses such as asthma or ADHD, when they’re on different medications, or if they have different doctors’ appointments. Writing things down and keeping them organized can be very important for parents and children as they get older to help keep track of their own health history. Nowadays, it doesn’t even have to be written in a diary. I’ve many teenagers who come in here with their iPAD or iPhone where they keep track of all their blood sugars if they have diabetes or their asthma medications. Getting your child involved as they get older and keeping track of their own health issues, their own medications and their own doctor’s appointment is a great way to teach them responsibility for their own healthcare. It’s a good idea to write down all the medications being given to your child especially because sometimes when they’re sick, you might give a medication and later on that day, dad might give a medication or caregiver might give medication. It’s so easy to forget when a medication was given. We want to avoid accidental overdosing or a repeat delivery of the same medication more than it should be.

Pediatrician Tanya Altmann, MD, FAAP, shares advice for parents on the benefits of keeping a health diary for your child in order to record any symptoms and medications that they have taken


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Tanya Altmann, MD, FAAP


A leading medical authority for the popular press and entertainment industry, Dr. Tanya Altmann is a best-selling author, parenting expert and media spokesperson. A working mother and UCLA-trained pediatrician who practices in Southern California, Dr. Tanya is a designated spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics, communicating complicated medical issues into easily understood concepts.  She is a child health expert for numerous news programs and talk shows including Today (NBC), and KTLA (CW Los Angeles). She stays on the cutting edge through her position as an Assistant Clinical Professor at Mattel Children’s Hospital at UCLA, as the Chief Medical Advisor for the Newborn Channel and her private practice.

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