What is a notice of parental consent

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What is a notice of parental consent

The notice of parental consent is a crucial piece of information that we receive in the Emergency Department when infants and children are brought in. This document is put in the hands of any family member, a nanny, or anyone who might have an occasion to take the baby in. It, ultimately,provides a continuity of care in providing the essential services that minor needs.
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Richard Pass, RN

Registered Nurse & CPR Expert

Richard Pass, RN, BS, was born in Los Angeles. He studied nursing in Portland, Oregon and has since practiced nursing for 35 years, including ICU, Emergency, and Cardiology nursing. Richard started his CPR & Family Safety educational company, Save a Little Life, Inc., in 1999. With Save a Little Life, Inc., Richard presents house calls and classes all over the Los Angeles area. He teaches medical-surgical nursing at California State University, and is married with two grown children and one grandchild.

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