Meet Barbara Turvett

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Meet Barbara Turvett

My name is Barbara Turvett. I'm deputy editor at Working Mother magazine. I'm a long-time journalist and a writer and editor. I've been at Working Mother 7 years. The best part of my life is I have a fantastic family. I adore my daughter who is 16 and was adopted from China. I adore my husband who I won't tell you how old he is but he does great work for society. Let's see, hobbies. I don't know if I have any hobbies but I do walk a whole lot. I guess what I'm really passionate about is eating and drinking good food and wine. That's why I walk a lot.

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Barbara Turvett

Working Mother Magazine Executive Editor

As Working Mother magazine’s Executive Editor, Barbara Turvett is integrally involved in the magazine’s editorial viewpoint and planning. She oversees and edits women’s, family and work life content, top edits the entire magazine and also contributes to Barbara has specialized in parenting, women’s health and education topics throughout her career. She has written and edited for many national publications and websites, among them Parenting, Parents, Family Circle, Weight Watchers, Child, McCall’s, Sesame Street Parents, Healthy Kids, Men’s Fitness and American Baby magazines. Barbara has edited two award-winning early childhood education books, and she has written a health book and edited several cookbooks for Weight Watchers Publishing Group. Prior to life in publishing, she was an actress and singer and performed in film, theatre and nightclubs. Barbara enjoys life in New York City with her husband, teenage daughter and pet cockatiel.

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