The perfection of imperfection in parenting

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The perfection of imperfection in parenting

My 5 year old has been quoting Yoda a lot. He says to me; do or do not, there is no try. And the next one that he's been saying a lot is there is no big or small. I think that's from the clone wars. I've never seen it. But he is a little brother and he is really capturing his own sense of his own power that it doesn't matter if he's big or small and that he can be his own best self. And it's funny to me because I actually take that advise and I try to listen to it and I try to remember that it is completely okay to mess things up. And it's probably more important than my kids see me mess up and correct my actions than me being perfect all the time. In fact they know it is better. And when I fight with their dad which sometimes happens, I make sure that they see us making up. That they see me apologize or if it's his turn that I make sure he apologizes to me and we make things right because I want them to see that people do make mistakes and we fix it and we move forward.

See Heather Gibbs Flett's video on The perfection of imperfection in parenting...


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Heather Gibbs Flett

Blogger & Author

Heather Gibbs Flett co-founded, a website dedicated to helping women have more fun in the first years of motherhood, after discovering how intensely amazing, exhausting, boring, and delightful it was to become a mom. She was a bossy big sister, industrial engineer, and web producer before reinventing herself as a mother blogger. She lives in Berkeley, CA with her husband and three sons. If Heather had any spare time, she would love to travel and see more live music.

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