How does exercise help with body image

Learn about: How does exercise help with body image from Jill Campbell, PsyD,...
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How does exercise help with body image

So exercise is actually one of the key things to help promote a positive body image. Of course when a new mom is exercising, they are going to lose a little bit of the baby weight. But much more importantly, exercise helps boost the release of endorphins, which are mood elevators that promote the sense of well being. So when you exercise, your body promotes the release of endorphins, which makes you feel much more positive about your body. Also when you exercise, you are going to feel more connected to your body. Whenever you feel more connected, you are going to be kinder and speak more kindly to yourself about your body. So exercise is really a key thing. It's not about getting on the treadmill, running for an hour and just staring at how many hours did I burn? It's about finding something that you enjoy that can actually help you relieve stress as well. Many times new moms will say to me, I don't have time to exercise now that I have a new baby. I can't get to my exercise class. I don't have anyone to watch the baby. So sometimes with exercise, you really have to look outside of the box. It can't look the way it looked before, like so many things after baby. So what's best is to see what do I like and how can I fit it in? Sometimes it's a matter of putting on some great music and just dancing for half an hour in your bedroom. That's wonderful exercise. Or meeting a friend at the park, putting your baby in a carrier and going for a nice long walk. That way you're bonding with your baby, you're making it social, and you're getting good exercise in as well. So not to look at exercise as what I did before. But to look at it as a fun activity that's going to boost my endorphins and at the same time help me to lose some baby weight.

Learn about: How does exercise help with body image from Jill Campbell, PsyD,...


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Jill Campbell, PsyD

Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Jill Campbell received her B.S. from Boston University, her M.A. from New York University, and her Psy.D. from Ryokan College. As an intern at The Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services, Jill worked in their therapeutic nursery school with special-needs preschoolers. Dr. Campbell completed her post-doctoral training at Cedars Sinai Early Childhood Center in Los Angeles. Jill has worked in private practice and for a group pediatric practice in Encino. In addition, she has been a guest speaker on different child development issues for preschools and moms clubs in the Los Angeles area.

Jill has worked on body image and self-esteem issues with school-aged girls in the Beverly Hills School District and private schools in Los Angeles. For over five years, Dr. Campbell facilitated eating disorder groups for New Directions Eating Disorder Center in Sherman Oaks. She has also devoted her time at The National Organization for Women, an organization dedicated to promoting equality to all women.

Losing the Baby Weight
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