The best way to nurture a pregnant woman

Alisa Donner, LCSW, Co-Founder of Pregnancy Awareness Month, explains the best methods to nurture a pregnant woman to keep her happy and relaxed
The Best Way To Nurture A Pregnant Woman
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The best way to nurture a pregnant woman

The best way to nurture a pregnant woman is for her to do it to herself. So when we have the initiative called nurture in Pregnancy Awareness Month, it's about self-care. It's not about nurturing the baby. Like I said, everyone will want to nurture that baby. That's easy. Do you have time for yourself? Are you still making time for yourself? The time to start is now. It's always now. So the best way to nurture a pregnant woman or a new mom is to do it yourself. A cup of tea. A walk. having a conversation with a friend on the telephone. Allowing yourself to have an evening out with your partner. Yes, of course, get a mannie-peddie. Go to a spa. All of those things are part of nurturing. But finding, carving out moments throughout your day. They may only be 10 minutes long some days. Other days you might be able to get a whole hour or an entire evening. But make the space. Be the role model for your child. And create that space for yourself so that you can renew. Nurture is very important.

Alisa Donner, LCSW, Co-Founder of Pregnancy Awareness Month, explains the best methods to nurture a pregnant woman to keep her happy and relaxed


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Alisa Donner, LCSW

Co-founder of Pregnancy Awareness Month

Alisa Donner is the co-founder of Pregnancy Awareness Month (PAM) with Anna Getty. The mission of PAM is to empower, inspire and build a community of support for expectant women and families. The four initiatives of the month-long campaign are Education, Exercise, Nutrition & Wellness, and Nurture. Alisa is also a licensed clinical social worker.

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