Concerns about plastics for school-aged children

Gigi Lee Chang, CEO of Healthy Child Health World, explains the dangers that some plastics can pose to young children, and what types of plastics parents should avoid
Concerns About Plastic For School-Aged Children - Kids In The Hosue
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Concerns about plastics for school-aged children

With school aged children, plastic can continue to be an issue, even though we often think of plastic when it's related to younger babies, but in school aged children there are many things you want to watch out for. For example, you want to avoid drinking and using bottled water, so where possible bring your own water bottle with you. One that is made from stainless steel, or if it is plastic, one that is BPA or thylate-free. another area for school aged children to watch out for as far as plastics is the lunch box. So, again, try not to put their sandwiches in the plastic bags and avoid plastic containers. You can find lots of really creative, nice, natural alternative such as cloth wrappers and even, you know, wax paper is good alternatives for plastic lunch bags. And then you also want to be careful of the lunch boxes themselves and and avoid vinyl ones, because the vinyls release toxins and canoff-gas. Similarly, for school supplies, again avoid backpacks made from vinyl because of the toxic and off-gas nature of the materials. And equally try to avoid binders and note books with plastic covers, and instead opt for ones with recycled paper or cardboard.

Gigi Lee Chang, CEO of Healthy Child Health World, explains the dangers that some plastics can pose to young children, and what types of plastics parents should avoid


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Gigi Lee Chang

Former CEO of Healthy Child Healthy World

Gigi Lee Chang is the CEO of Healthy Child Healthy World, a national non-profit organization which empowers parents to protect their children from harmful chemicals. She is a frequent speaker on various topics, including children’s health, food and nutrition, as well as socially conscious/sustainable business practices and entrepreneurship and was awarded “Brand Innovator 2008” and “2010” by Brand Packaging. In addition, Gigi has been featured in over 250 national and regional media outlets, including The Wall Street Journal, Entrepreneur, MORE magazine, Yogi Times, KIWI Magazine, Cookie, Parenting, OK! Weekly, Celebrity Baby Blog, TODAY Show, Newsweek and Time Out New York Kids. Gigi is also the Founder of Plum Organics and on the advisory boards of Environmental Media Association (EMA), Pregnancy Awareness Month (PAM), International Baby Planners Association (IBPA) as well as Friends of Baby Buggy.

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