Bonding with newborns for dads

Learn about: Bonding with newborns for dads from Ron Howell,...
Bonding with newborns for dads | Kids in the House
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Bonding with newborns for dads

The thing that I bonded with my son the most was holding him. And there was a spot where he would snuggle up against me and hold me that he felt like he was a part of me, that we were bonding; he was just there and he meant to be right there. There was a certain specific spot. he would wiggle into that spot, and I'm holding it right here because it was here, it wasn't right here. And to this day he still, even though he's big, he still looks to get in there and puts his head in that spot that we connected, that started when he was a newborn.

Learn about: Bonding with newborns for dads from Ron Howell,...


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Ron Howell


Ron is a licensed architect, and has been in private practice for 15 years. He attended Cal Poly SLO for his undergrad, and his graduate study was done at the University of Copenhagen. His is the father of three, two sons and a daughter.

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