Bitten by another child

Richard Pass, RN Registered Nurse, shares advice for parents on how to treat your child if he or she is bitten by another child
Pediatric First Aid - Bites By Another Child
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Bitten by another child

Bites by children on other children are actually quite common, and this happens at an early age. Bites are under the heading of a puncture wound, and by nature, puncture wounds tend to be a little bit more dangerous because they close off and can trap bacteria. Basically if the skin is broken, we'd like you to wash the skin with soapy water and then try to use some sort of an antiseptic, something like Neosporin or possibly like iodine to disinfect the area. It's also crucial to watch the skin over the next day or so for any evidence of infection; that would be increased redness, swelling, more pain, or any streaks of red going up the arm, presumably if it was on the arm, to identify the possibility of spreading infection. We also, certainly from the hospital standpoint, if someone comes in with this sort of a bite or puncture wound, we'll also want to know the date of their last Tetanus booster. These are recommended approximately every five years and we will be looking for that information. So on the parental consent form, should someone else bring this child in, we also want to make sure the last Tetanus booster date is clearly stated.

Richard Pass, RN Registered Nurse, shares advice for parents on how to treat your child if he or she is bitten by another child


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Richard Pass, RN

Registered Nurse & CPR Expert

Richard Pass, RN, BS, was born in Los Angeles. He studied nursing in Portland, Oregon and has since practiced nursing for 35 years, including ICU, Emergency, and Cardiology nursing. Richard started his CPR & Family Safety educational company, Save a Little Life, Inc., in 1999. With Save a Little Life, Inc., Richard presents house calls and classes all over the Los Angeles area. He teaches medical-surgical nursing at California State University, and is married with two grown children and one grandchild.

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