Ideal age to start sports

Learn about: Ideal age to start sports from Sinjin Smith,...
Ideal age to start sports | Kids in the House
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Ideal age to start sports

Yeah, I really don’t think there’s an ideal age for kids to start sports. You know, some are going to be ready younger than others. The key though, is to make sure they enjoy themselves. And there’s so many different programs for sports out there today that you can search around and find one that looks like it’s going to be right for your child, whether it’s 3 years old or 6 years old or 9 years old – it really doesn’t matter. You’re going to know when your kid is ready to get out there and mix it up with other kids. And it’s a great thing for them if they’re ready for it. But if they’re not, you might want to wait a little bit until they are ready.

Learn about: Ideal age to start sports from Sinjin Smith,...


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Sinjin Smith


Sinjin Smith is a father and an Olympian, World Champion, coach, and a member of the International Volleyball Hall of Fame. He is a founding member of the FIVB Beach Volleyball World Council, overseeing the Olympics/World Tour, and a member of the Olympic Beach Volleyball Control Committee. In addition, he serves on the board of the Side-Out Foundation, fighting breast cancer.

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