Weaning tips

Stay at home mom, Zoe Rogers, shares her weaning tips tips for young children.
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Weaning tips

Tips for weaning a toddler or a baby is a tricky one, because I sort of think that should be child led. I think you should take your child's lead on that, when they are ready. One thing I read years ago, said, "don't offer and don't refuse," which is a good neutral stance. If your baby comes to you, in my opinion, it should be a toddler or an older child. If they come to you and they want to nurse, I don't think you should refuse. Should you really run around after them offering if you are really ready to be done with this? Probably not. It really is up to them. Every kid is different. My older son would have nursed forever, and my younger son was really done with me at about 15 months. No matter how much I wanted him to nurse, he was done. So it's really just following their lead, what they are ready for.

Stay at home mom, Zoe Rogers, shares her weaning tips tips for young children.


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Zoe Rogers


Zoe Rogers lives in Santa Monica with her husband and two kids, ages six and two. 

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