Gender expression

See Diane Ehrensaft, PhD's video on Gender expression...
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Gender expression

A lot of people wonder what the difference is between the person who says I am the wrong gender, I am trapped in the wrong body and and the person who says I am okay with my gender but I am not going to accept that I cannot dresses, for example, if I am a man. There is a difference between the two groups of people. In the first instance, you have somebody telling you something very important about their core gender identity. That the one on their birth certificate does not match the one they know themselves to be. In the second instance, you have somebody who is telling you something very important about their gender expressions. Their gender identity matches the one that is stamped on their birth certificate, and they are fine with that. But they are not fine with how they are supposed to show it to the world and they are going to transgress and do it differently. And that is what it is called gender fluid. Sometimes that is referred to as gender non-conforming. Sometimes among youth today those are the gender queer people.

See Diane Ehrensaft, PhD's video on Gender expression...


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Diane Ehrensaft, PhD

Clinical Psychologist

Diane Ehrensaft, PhD is a developmental and clinical psychologist in Oakland, California. She is a parenting expert and also specializes in gender studies and psychotherapy and consultation with gender nonconforming children and their families. She is the author of Gender Born, Gender Made:  Raising Healthy Gender-Nonconforming Children; Mommies Daddies, Donors, Surrogates, Building a Home Within (co-edited with Toni Heineman), Spoiling Childhood, and Parenting Together. Dr. Ehrensaft has made many media appearances, most recently the Anderson Cooper Day show, and has presented and published both nationally and internationally on the subjects of parenting, child development, assisted reproductive technology, and children’s gender development and gender nonconformity.

Dr. Ehrensaft is the Director of Mental Health of the Child and Adolescent Gender Center, a University of California San Francisco-community partnership offering interdisciplinary services to gender conforming children and youth and their families, as well as the psychologist at the UCSF Gender Clinic.

She serves on the faculty of The University of California and is a founding member of A Home Within, a national non-profit organization serving the mental health needs of children and youth in foster care.

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