Admitting your mistakes to improve your child's choices

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Admitting your mistakes to improve your child's choices | Kids in the House
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Admitting your mistakes to improve your child's choices

Teaching self-control to children is very easy to do when you model it yourself. So it's very important to reflect on your own behaviors and also acknowledging and calling yourself out when maybe you're not in control and when you do behave in ways that you definitely don't want your children to emulate. Making mistakes is part of our jobs as parents, and to help us teach our kids to learn from our mistakes. Definitely I have made a lot of mistakes as a parent and in front of my child and have certainly lost my patience on a number of occasions. But I always make a point of bringing that up and acknowledging that in front of my son, and showing him that, you know what? We all make mistakes and we all do and say things that we might regret, or explaining how I would have done things differently if I could. And that is a really great model because eventually as your kids get older, and the earlier you start this, the better, eventually they'll start doing the same thing. And they'll start acknowledging their own choices and realizing that maybe what they had said or done was not the best choice they could have made.

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Expert Bio

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Sondra Santos Drahos

Educator & Blogger

In 2007, when Sondra Santos Drahos was a single mom, she became a Certified Parent Educator and founded Happy Healthy Hip Parenting.  She is a Parental Advisor at Parental Wisdom and has been heard on NPR’s The Takeaway. She was included in the Nielsen’s list of Top 50 Power Moms in 2009. She is dedicated to Honoring Families, Supporting Parents, and Enriching Relationships. She lives in Solana Beach, California with her husband and two sons.

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