How to get a behavioral aide assigned to your child

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How to get a behavioral aide assigned to your child | Kids in the House
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How to get a behavioral aide assigned to your child

Getting an aide for your autistic child is a really challenging process and it takes a lot of time and resources. You first need to contact your school district and have what is called an IEP. And that's a lengthy process and usually they will not award a child a behaviorist. And so you have to go back and usually have some representation, be it a lawyer or an advocate, who can speak on your behalf in terms of legal issues and things that surround special needs in a legal way. But I would recommend doing anything possible to have someone with your child in class. And I would suggest calling your school district and calling and calling your school district and being fierce about being an advocate for your child. Do everything in your means to do that.

See Debi Cox's video on How to get a behavioral aide assigned to your child...


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Debi Cox

Stay at Home Mom

Debi is a mom to two wonderful boys, ages seven and four. She lives in Culver City, CA and is a stay at home mom. Debi spends a good deal of her time caring for her seven year old high-functioning autistic son. She enjoys family time with her husband and boys, bike riding, yoga and swimming.  

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