Learning differences and issues for boys

Malina Saval, Author & Journalist, explains how boys learn differently in school and shares advice for parents on the best ways to help your sons learn better
How Boys Learn Differently In School
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Learning differences and issues for boys

Education system in America is failing boys because they're simply not structured for boys. They don't play to any of the boys strengths. They're structured for a girl. The teachers are mostly women. The way in which boys and girls are expected to study is that they're expected to sit at their desks, waiting to be called upon. Boys don't learn this way. They're kinesthetic learners. They're tactile learners. They learn by getting up, moving around the room. Multi-tasking. This is how a boy learns and yet we are expecting boys to learn the same way that a girl learns. And this sets up a boy for failure. For a lack of self-esteem. For high levels of frustrations. Schools need to change so they can accommodate these boys and not force them to conform to an environment that isn't conducive to them to learning to the best of their capabilities.

Malina Saval, Author & Journalist, explains how boys learn differently in school and shares advice for parents on the best ways to help your sons learn better


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Malina Saval

Journalist & Author

Malina Saval is the author of The Secret Lives of Boys: Inside the Raw Emotional World of Male Teens. As a journalist, her work has appeared in Variety, Los Angeles Times, Glamour, LA Weekly, Flaunt, Jerusalem Post, Forward, Heeb, Premiere.com, Moment and Fanzine, for whom she pens a monthly column entitled "Sponsored in Part." Her short fiction and essays have been included in Palehouse and The Truth About the Fact literary journals and in the anthology Now Write! Nonfiction: Memoir, Journalism and Creative Nonfiction Exercises from Today's Best Writers and Teachers. She's lectured at several universities, including University of Central Florida and University of Eastern Michigan, and has appeared as a special expert guest on the Tavis Smiley Show (PBS), Fox News, NPR's "Talk of the Nation" and the Patt Morrison Show.  

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