How does a sex offender manipulate a child online?

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How does a sex offender manipulate a child online? | Kids in the House
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How does a sex offender manipulate a child online?

Children get manipulated online, the same way that people get manipulated shopping for a used car. Initially, a child will get online and have somebody introduce themselves to them, and you don't trust them. The first thing a child sex offender will do is try to win their trust by being glamorous, rich, or very smart. The next thing they will do is identify a need that the child doesn't have, and then try to fulfill that need. That is, the need to be popular, or the need to be smart, or the need to be recognized. Once the need has been established with the child, the next thing to do is become part of the solution. The child sex offender will want to help the person become more popular or become recognized as smart. It's very hard to make a child smarter, but they will identify them as smart. Once these three things have been accomplished is, there is no hurry. There is no hurry to accomplish what the child sex offender wants to do. What they will threaten to do, is remove all of those things that they previously provided. Now the child will associate being cool or being smart or having a lot of things with this person, and the threat of having them taken away is intimidating and dreadful for the child. The child is manipulated into doing something that they, otherwise, would never do.

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Randall Devine

FBI Agent

Randall Devine is a Special Agent with the FBI working in the Los Angeles area. 

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